Check out recordings, resources and info from our past events as well as information about upcoming events!

Upcoming Events!

None. Reach out to if you are interested in partnering to host an event either on zoom or in person!

Sept 7th - SPAN in partnership with Robert Hubbell and Jessica Craven

On September 7th, we hosted a Zoom Panel in partnership with two prominent authors and activists in the movement: Robert Hubbell and Jessica Craven. Robert Hubbell is the author of “Today’s Action Newsletter” and Jessica Craven is the author of “Chop Wood, Carry Water” (click respective links to subscribe). In addition, Ben Wikler, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, and Lavora Barnes, Chairwoman of the Michigan Democratic Party, were in attendance to share have over three cycles they have built the infrastructure to win from the school board to the White House with the support of SPAN. Their stories of the invaluable impact of securing funding for year round organizing and building long-term infrastructure in our states are compelling and inspiring. Click HERE to check out the recording of the event!